The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich house of God rocks to sound of TBWNN

TBWNN4By Keith Morris

2009: Norwich Cathedral literally rocked and shook to the sound of popular Christian rock group thebandwithnoname on Friday evening (October 23) as 600 jumping and dancing fans packed into the church for a memorable event.
In what was surely a unique occasion in the 900 years of the ancient building, TBWNN opened their full-on set with Queen’s We Will Rock You, to set the stage for a high-energy performance which carried the crowd with them all the way.
Lead singer ChipK, sporting a striking bleach white Mohican haircut and sharp white jacket, urged the crowd “everyone go crazy” and they did not disappoint.
Old and young alike seemed to know every word of the band which aims to “translate their individual experience of a relationship with Jesus to this generation”.
TBWNN1The all-action line-up included rapper Leon Henderson, singer David Strafford and new guitarist Joel Atkins.
Based in Manchester the band have been labeled as nu metal, hip hop, rap, grime and crunk rock, but however they describe their music, their passion and enthusiasm speak for themselves.

Their name, or lack of it, came from a competition when they asked fans for a name. Before they could decide the band released a single under the label thebandwithnoname and fans liked it so much they made it permanent.
TBWNN2The sell-out audience lapped up favourites such as Justified, Dying to be There, Shake Down and The Four Points Track.
A personal favourite was a very contemporary version of Amazing Grace which combined creativity, energy and the band’s no-holds-barred presentation of the Gospel message.
An encore of Heaven just about summed up the whole evening
As Chip put it: “This is an awesome party in the house of God,” and I am sure that most people there would agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment.

Pictures by Kevin Gotts


., 28/10/2009

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