The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Over 120 Norfolk churches join Easter egg hunt 

EasterEggBishop450Over 120 churches in the Diocese of Norwich have hidden an Easter Egg somewhere in their building – and you’re invited to find them.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt returns with more churches involved than ever before. From King’s Lynn to Caistor, Weybourne to Roydon, churches all over the Diocese are taking part in the hunt.

This year the school holidays fall before Easter, so an Easter Egg hunt is a great way to keep young ones occupied and a fantastic opportunity to see some of Norfolk’s beautiful churches.

There are nearly 650 churches in the Diocese, so to make the task a little easier, a special online map will show which churches are involved in the hunt: www.dioceseofnorwich.org/easteregg 

Participants will have from the April 1 – 22 to visit as many churches a possible, and find where the eggs are hidden. All they need to do is take a picture of the egg in its hiding place and either tweet it (@DioceseNorwich) or email it to news@dioceseofnorwich.org 

The person or team who sends in the most pictures will win an ethical chocolate hamper full of Fairtrade goodies.

The eggs hidden around the Diocese are from the Real Easter Egg company - Fairtrade eggs which also tell the story of Easter.

Speaking of the hunt, the Bishop of Norwich, The Rt Revd Graham James, said: “Easter and eggs go together because an egg contains new life breaking out and leaving the shell behind.  The shell represents Christ’s tomb.  His new life is one for us all to share.  That’s why it is so appropriate to have an Easter Egg hunt across the Diocese. 

“Last year’s was very successful and I am delighted that so many churches are participating this year.  It gives everyone, including families, the chance to visit many churches, find the eggs and take delight in the Easter season.  There is even an ethical chocolate hamper to be won!”

Pictured above is the Bishop of Norwich with some Real Easter Eggs. 

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