The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk Mothers' Union supports Grenfell families

As part of a united response from members in Dioceses across the country, Mothers’ Union in Norfolk will support families who were affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy in June by offering holidays under the charity’s Away From It All scheme.

Away From It All (AFIA) is funded by Mothers’ Union members to help people who are experiencing stress in their family life to enjoy much-needed family time together. The cost of the holiday or travel expenses are met by Mothers’ Union.

Marguerite Phillips, President of Mothers’ Union Norwich Diocese, said, “In Norwich Diocese each year we offer up to 25 local families a week’s holiday in a caravan at a holiday park on the coast and we will be very pleased to extend this offer to the families affected by the Grenfell tragedy as soon as they feel ready.  Our members were truly horrified by the stories of suffering and will be glad to be able to offer some practical support”.

In 2016 Mothers’ Union provided 3,400 people across the UK and Ireland with a much needed break. The holidays take many different forms. Some are specially organised family weeks where a number of families and a team of volunteers go away together with activities and outings arranged. Others may take place in a holiday home owned by Mothers’ Union, usually sited near a beach. Some holidays take the form of day trips.

Mothers’ Union’s CEO, Bev Jullien, said, “It is hard to imagine what these families are currently experiencing and what they have gone through. At Mothers’ Union we thought about how best we could support them.”  She continued, “We have been running AFIA holidays for more than 50 years. These holidays reflect the heart of who we are by showing practical support where it is needed most.”

Mothers’ Union dioceses across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom are offering their support.

The charity recognises that this is not a short term issue and that the impact of this tragedy will continue for many years to come. Mothers’ Union is inviting families to apply for a holiday at a time that best suits them, whenever that might be. 

Mothers’ Union continues to pray for the families and all of those affected.


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