The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Coastal prayer chain shoeburyn

Norfolk Christians take part in Coastal Prayer Chain

Christians gathered all around the British coast at noon on Saturday September 21 to worship and say the Lords Prayer together, with the Norfolk coastal communities playing their part. Tony Rothe reports.

Organiser Jen Gaskin takes up the story:

September 21 arrived with a wealth of sunshine and warmth, for which I was very thankful. I wondered how many people across the UK would be heading towards their chosen `spot` on the coast. Many people also prayed inland and we were joined by others at different events across the UK who agreed that at 12 midday they would stop and pray with us.

“As we stood ready for action, we kept a close watch on the time, and at midday promptly responded with The Lord’s Prayer. Personally, I felt it was quite an emotional moment - the sheer thought of so many other voices speaking out this prayer, across the UK, at exactly the same time. Thereby fulfilling the Lords calling and directions from back in 2011! We had reached the moment that God had led us to and were obediently and reverentially speaking out the Lord`s Prayer across the land and its people. What an awesome moment it was.”
Jen had placed red dots on a map to show where prayer was expected to take place, and the UK was well covered, especially the South coast. Even the Orkney and Shetland Islands had some red dots!
Norfolk was represented with groups meeting at Hunstanton and Great Yarmouth, with further groups over the border in Lowestoft and Yoxford in Suffolk. Jen is sure that there will have been other groups meeting who had not informed her. “I did notice that after Network Norfolk featured the event, I suddenly got enquiries from the Norfolk area. I mentioned this to a group of ladies helping me.”
On the Thursday evening, two days earlier, a group of Christians who pray in parliament had met to pray in Westminster, as part of the coastal prayer event. They felt that this was a very strategic place to be, and sent Jen a message to tell her they had started your Prayer Chain. "I found this quite exciting as I read it early Friday morning, and was very encouraged” said Jen.
Coastal prayer chain horn 750C?Folk from Shoeburyness in Essex, pictured above and right, opened their church and served free tea and coffee afterwards. “We took flags and sang ‘These are the days of Elijah’, blew shofars, read a prayer and had open prayer. It was a really good Holy Spirit moment”. Many said they could really feel that Gods presence was with them.

Jen said “As I contacted different ministries I was left amazed at how many prayer meetings and conferences were happening on that day, but many agreed to stop at midday and join with us in prayer even though they could not be on the coast. One day we will know the full significance of what took place in the heavenlies…. His will being done on earth as in heaven. I take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who joined us in prayer on that day.”

To contact Jen Gaskin, e-mail ukcoastalprayerchain@gmail.com

Visit: The Coastline Prayer Chain Facebook page.

Read the previous story about the prayer chain on Network Norfolk.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk