The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Bishop of Norwich reaches out to other faith leaders 

The Bishop of Norwich has written to leaders of all the different faith communities across Norfolk assuring them of his prayers and expressing the hope that it might be a time for the varied communities to look to do more together in hope and love.

“I write to assure you and your community of my prayers over the coming weeks and months,” wrote Bishop Graham Usher.

“I have been deeply moved by the ways in which communities across the county have found imaginative and creative ways to live out their faith and to gather together virtually through the use of technology. There are also incredible examples of people caring for their neighbours and new local community organising.

“Yet there are many who are still in need, including the vulnerable and the fearful.  Many of us will be concerned about individuals and family members, or about the corporate health of charities and the financial income to community life.  In the coming weeks it is very likely that we will be increasingly ministering to the ill and bereaved.

“Perhaps we will come to see this time, in all of its pain and challenge, as a sabbath rest for our souls, for our frenetic lives, and for the health of our planet.  Perhaps it will be a time for our varied communities to look to do more together in hope and love,” said Bishop Graham.

“The medieval Christian mystic and writer Mother Julian of Norwich lived through the Black Death in this city, self-isolating in her cell with the noise of the street going on around her.  Her writing keeps bringing me consolation, especially her vision that “In his love God wraps us and holds us.  He enfolds us for love and will never let us go.”

“I pray that this will be true for you and this letter comes with my grateful thanks for our partnership for the common good.”
Pictured above is the Rt Rev Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich with a member of the Sikh community in his previous role as Bishop of Dudley.

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