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Norwich synagogue helps launch foodbank 

The Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue and NR2 Community Skill Share in Norwich have launched a foodbank to help feed people who are going hungry because of the Covid-19 crisis.

AdatYeshuaLogo300The foodbank targets residents of the NR2 area which surrounds the synagogue who are needy and vulnerable, many of whom are going hungry during the crisis. There is normally a team of four volunteers on site each day, two from the synagogue community and the two local council volunteers.
Each day (apart from Saturday) the foodbank is open for one hour, noon til 1pm and it offers the full range of food items and other sundry household items. No charge is made for anything. The project gets deliveries from the central food hub in Norwich, plus many donations from local people who just want to support this vital work. All relevant social distancing and hygiene requirements are in place and the foodbank is registered with the local council as a food outlet.
Rabbi Binyamin Sheldrake, who leads the Synagogue, said: “The foodbank is in an integral part of our mission and vision for the area the Lord has placed us in. Regardless of the virus crisis we would have set up this foodbank, but the timing of the opening has met the needs of the area perfectly.’”


Area of operation: Chiefly in the NR2 area of Norwich, but we might consider other needs as required.
Address: Adat Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, Essex Street, Norwich, NR2 2BL
Contact details: Rabbi Binyamin Sheldrake at, 01603 624267,,
Our needs: Other than the obvious need for financial support, we are relatively free of any pressing needs right now.
How we can help other projects: Happy to connect with other foodbanks in the area.
Pictured above is a volunteer working inside the Adat Yeshua Synagogue and NR2 Skill Share foodbank.

Published: 30/04/2020