The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Could you support Yarmouth youth outreach?

As they go through a period of change, East Norfolk Youth for Christ are urging people to support them, both in prayer and by getting involved. Tony Rothe reports.

The organisation has re-started regular prayer meetings, and is inviting anyone interested to join them to pray for the young people of Great Yarmouth and the work and future of East Norfolk Youth for Christ (ENYFC), as they need people’s support in order to continue doing their important work.
At their recent AGM it was announced that, owing to the lack of available trustees in the local area, the governance of ENYFC would temporarily be taken on by Norwich Youth for Christ. However Nick Blanch, who is the Director of Norwich Youth for Christ writes that their "primary desire is to see ENYFC become self-sufficient again."
Most recently Amilcar, Youth Worker with ENYFC, has been a regular presence in Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, providing Christian support and care to young people and staff. He shares a snapshot of what life is like in his role, which illustrates some of the opportunities and challenges of the work:
"As I walked to the football pitch with the young people, a good friend of one of the young people that comes to our bible study said, "Sir, do you believe in Heaven and Hell?" I answered that I did and then asked back, "What about you, do you believe in Heaven and Hell?" The young person answered, "I don't. I think we are in a simulation." I was then able to pick up on the theme the following day at the bible study."
Amilcar reflected that faith questions can suddenly emerge to be explored within a very limited time frame. He concluded, “However, I’m grateful to be among the young people and scratch the surface of some of their most pressing questions."
Anna Heydon, Development worker with Imagine Norfolk Together, says “I'm sure many people have, like I have, a multitude of good memories from the 15 plus years which East Norfolk Youth for Christ (previously known as Unite) has been serving the young people of Great Yarmouth. Glitterballs, Treat, schools ministry, New Day, prayer, hot chocolate, games, Taste, testimonies – ENYFC has touched our lives and the lives of our friends, children or grandchildren, as well as countless young people we might never meet.”
Prayer meetings take place at 11am on the first Thursday of every month. The venue is : 'The Hub' 86 Middle Market Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2DT.
There is an on-line meeting, also at 11am, on the third Thursday of the month starting December 16.  For details, please e-mail: amilcar@enyfc.co.uk  Or  nblanch@norwichyfc.co.uk
Anna said, “Could you be involved in keeping this vital work going? ENYFC needs people who will support with volunteering, praying and giving, as well as Christians who can help steer its future under God's guidance.”
The picture above is courtesy of East Norfolk Youth for Christ.


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 08/12/2021

Tony Rothe
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk