The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Sharon PlummerMenopause support for women in Norfolk churches 

Norfolk-based therapeutic coach Sharon Plummer wants churches to start talking about the menopause in order to support women in their congregations. 
by Helen Baldry

Sharon believes that for too long women’s health and the menopause has been a taboo subject and by not talking about it, we are doing a disservice to women. 

There has been more media coverage in recent years about perimenopause and menopause, spurred on by celebrity advocates such as Davina McCall and Mariella Frostrup, yet churches are not keeping up with the conversation. 

1 in 10 women are leaving the workplace because of the impact of menopause symptoms. The highest rate of suicide for females is among those aged 45 to 54 – the most common age for perimenopause and menopause – and rates have risen 6 per cent in 20 years.  

Sharon said, “Pastoral teams need to be aware of menopause symptoms and the impact this stage of life can have on women and their families.” 

Sharon,54 has been involved in women’s ministry in churches for years. She said, “When I was struggling myself with perimenopause, women weren’t saying anything. There can be a tendency at church to put on a face and want to be seen as positive, which means we run the risk of women feeling isolated and alone as they cope with night sweats, problems sleeping and brain fog. I am passionate about breaking down the barriers for talking about menopause in churches. I decided that I needed to be qualified in this area.” 

Sharon used to work for YMCA Norfolk housing homeless teenagers, which was a stressful job so during this time Sharon got into boxing as a stress-buster, which she found to be good for body, mind and soul. She went on to become a qualified personal trainer and now runs her own business Stronger Health and Fitness. She said, “My job grew with me when I was going through perimenopause. I had never heard of it. I didn’t feel right so I went to the doctor – a female doctor - who told me I was fit, strong and healthy so should fight it naturally. I left wondering why I didn’t feel right.” 

Sharon believes companies cash in on womens’ vulnerability. There are lots of expensive products and supplements are branded ‘menopause’, and are unneccessary. 

She was seeing many women in high end careers in tears. When they eventually went to the doctor they were given anti-depressants, yet Sharon says what they needed was Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Sharon said, “A generation of women are fearful of HRT because of the reported link to breast cancer - which has since be disproven. Instead, the benefits of HRT are many, including maintaining bone health and cognitive function. God wants us to have wisdom over these things.” 

Sharon is convinced that menopause isn’t something to fight, but to approach with wisdom. She said, “God made me. Uniquely and wonderfully. He made me, and at this age, my hormones have depleted. It’s how we’re made. Every female will go through this and it’s important to use some wisdom around how we respond. This can be a really lonely time and it makes my heart so sad that any woman should feel isolated.”  

Using her Flourish programme, Sharon helps women to look at nutrition, stress levels and balance. She has proved the point herself by living what she teaches in her workshops. Sharon runs sessions on a one-to-one basis and for groups. She welcomes men and younger women to the groups also as she believes the more we educate ourselves the more empowered we become. 

Sharon runs workshops and sessions on a 1-to-one basis and offers a five week ‘Flourish’ course. She appeals to any church groups who would like to explore this topic further to get in touch to see how she can help  

07921 859 200 

Pictured above: Sharon Plummer

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