The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

WivetonTowards net zero - Norfolk churches conference  

Wiveton eco conference is set for June 15 with speakers including Bishop Graham, A Rocha UK, Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the NLHF, The Diocesan Secretary, Historic England and others.


Towards Net Zero by 2030 - A Pit Stop for Rural Churches

The beautiful setting of St Mary's Church in Wiveton, located in North Norfolk's Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, is the location of an exciting in-person conference focused on sustainability.

With a range of prominent guest speakers including the Bishop of Norwich, A Rocha UK, the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), Historic England and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust, we will explore ways for churches to achieve a net zero future by 2030. This event is a unique opportunity for rural churches to share ideas, gain inspiration and take action towards a greener tomorrow.

Don't miss out on this chance to make a positive impact. The conference is FREE, being supported by the NLHF. Free parking and lunch at the Wiveton Bell are also provided - please lift share wherever possible. The conference will also be livestreamed if you are unable to make it in person.

Event details

Date: Saturday June 15
Time: 9.30am -5.00pm
Venue: St Mary's Church, Wiveton NR25 7TP
Book online here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/towards-net-zero-by-2030-a-pit-stop-for-rural-churches-tickets-828312333487

lick here to download a flyer

Helen Baldry, 06/05/2024

Helen Baldry
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