The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Helen appointed to help Christian site expand

HelenBaldry2008: Network Norwich has appointed a new website officer to help with the production of the pioneering Christian internet portal and its proposed development into a site covering the whole of Norfolk.
Helen Baldry has been appointed website officer for one day a week to work alongside website editor Keith Morris and help keep the website constantly up-to-date and developing.
Helen said: “I am excited about working for Network Norwich and I look forward to helping the site expand. I think it’s important for Christians from different churches and backgrounds to work together and share their experiences and Network Norwich helps achieve this.”
Keith said: “Helen has the right skills and experience to enable the website to keep progressing and her appointment will help to ensure that the proposed development into a site catering for the Norwich and Norfolk Christian communities can move forward.”
Helen became a Christian while studying English and American Literature at UEA. She graduated in 2001 and has since worked in marketing and communications roles in Oxford, West Africa and Norwich.
Helen is also the website officer for Active Norfolk which provides support and information across a range of sporting activities in the county. She has been a member of Norwich Central Baptist Church for the last three years and she designed and maintains their website www.norwichcentral.org. You can contact Helen on helen.baldry@networknorwich.co.uk


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