
Welcome to the Norwich FGB

The Norwich FGB chapter is a group of Christian businessmen from many denominations, all working within the Norwich and Norfolk area which is part of the Full Gospel Businessmen UK & Ireland.

The vision of the group is to be a focus for men working in and around the region, where we can support and encourage each other in the work-place. We hope that by being ambassadors for the Lord in the business environment, others will come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

We also want to reach out to friends and colleagues through praying for any needs and requests that they may have.
We also hold regular monthly lunches and dinners which are open to all.

If you want more information or want to get into contact with us please go to the contacts page. You can also sign up for our regular e-newsletter which has details of branch news, activities and events.


Published: 19/03/2006