The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Julie's beauty and belief mission in Norwich

JuliePrentice370Norwich author Julie Prentice tells of her journey of faith and the launch of her Beauty & Belief mission to inspire others to look beyond their limitations to enable them to exceed their expectations.
It was in 2006 that God called me to write my story ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven.’ My prayer as a new Christian had been an innocent one. I would love to see everybody happy. I felt with everybody else happy my life would be a whole lot happier!
Yes people affect us and as Christians we are no exception. But by giving our problems to God He gets to the heart of the matter. When He hears our hearts cry it’s a whole different story and now I felt I wanted to make a difference for Him. But His request to me was that He wanted me to write my story! Shock, horror, not possible, I had pleaded in prayer. But God’s ways are not our ways and so by taking a leap of faith my little miracle unfolded, and the book was published and then launched at Norwich Family Life Church in December 2010.
If I thought my mission was accomplished then I have to admit I was being seriously naive. It was actually the start of my mission! Since then their have been many little stories of my daily walk with the Lord, if we want Him to teach us we have to let Him reach us and the way He reaches me these days is usually by a vision which is then followed by my pen at

Yes He has given me a great passion, to see His Kingdom come, to see His will be done in the lives of many others souls too; to prove that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things and He really does want to establish the desires of our heart.
Hence the launch of my mission; ‘Beauty & Belief,’ where we discover the importance of loving the skin we are in and endeavour to become the best we can be. God is passionate about you. He wants you to have a good life, not one of struggle and strife.
Unfortunately the media is full of doom and gloom these days, stories of lost generations, stress and debt, which is not God’s way. When we live in His will not the world’s, God will use our gifts and talents for His purposes and we will not suffer from lack.
I have been involved in business for many years, originally in the beauty business but in the last five years I have also helped my husband in our consultancy company. It has not always been easy, but the Lord provides. It has established our passion for building people as well as business. God utilizes our talents; I have a passion for good beauty products as well as a passion for helping people feel good about themselves - a bit of pampering can do us the world of good.
The aim of the course is to show you that if you are prepared to make a few changes to your life for a few weeks it will prove you can become a better you if you want to. The order of the day is work rest and play and as my dear old nanny used to say, ‘It will keep the doctor away.’
Women as well as men have important roles to play in society today. You are important to God so if you are interested in treating yourself well, please come along to my outreach event at the Brook Hotel, Bowthorpe Norwich on Friday April 27, at 7pm. Cost is £15 for a two-course dinner followed by an evening of inspiration, beauty and fashion. I want to share a passion - to be the best you can be and help others succeed.
This is a ticket only event available from Julie Prentice. Tel. 01603 261236 or email


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