
Norwich man in news for saying thanks

StopACopper2005: Norwich man John Wright has hit the national headlines with his Stop A Copper Society which has taken on a new lease of life 25 years after he first founded it.

John (pictured right saying thank you to a Police officer in Norwich), a lay reader at Stoke Holy Cross church and an international director of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, has found a renewed interest in the Society which encourages people to be nice to traffic wardens and Policemen.

Following a letter in the Daily Telegraph, local and national radio and television have taken up the cause of saying thank you to people without whom we would have chaos, said John.

“In December a leader in the Telegraph commented on the amazing grace given to Christians like Abigail Witchell to forgive those who have harmed them or who have killed loved ones,” explained John. “The leader commented that we should try to be nice to people we love to hate like traffic wardens.

“So I wrote to say this was nothing new as the Stoppa Coppa Society, which I founded in 1980, had been doing just this for 25 years.

“All you have to do to be a member is to stop policemen and traffic wardens and say to them: ‘Excuse me, Officer, I just want you to know we appreciate you; without you we would have chaos. Live up to your high calling.’

“My letter was printed and as a result I have been on BBC Radio Essex and Norfolk, an article is planned for the Sunday Telegraph, BBC5 and national ITV.”

Below, John explains the reasons behind the Society and how to join it.

How to join the Stoppa Coppa Society.
To join the Stoppa Coppa Society, which started on Mothering Sunday 1980, all you have to do is to use your best endeavours to stop policemen and traffic wardens and say to them with a smile:
“Excuse me officer, I just want you to know we appreciate you. Without you we would have chaos. Live up to your high calling.”

Why should we all do this?
Reason One
Flanagan and Allen used to sing a song which included the advice
“Spread a little love and laughter in your labour, say neighbour, that means you!”

Reason two
The great Duke of Wellington was asked on his deathbed if he regretted anything in his long life. He replied,
“Yes, I regret I did not say ‘well done’ more often!” We all need someone to say to us, ‘well done!’

Reason three
The Bible says
‘Bless those who persecute you!’
‘Pray for those in authority’
‘Soft words break bones’
‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
‘Without love we are nothing’

Reason four
If you call someone a rude name it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If someone is called a pig that is how they will behave. We reap what we sow!

Reason five
Apart from blessing others you will be blessed yourself!

Don’t let it stop here
We can all say ‘well done’ to anybody who needs encouragement. Bus conductors, doctors, sales assistants, lorry drivers.
We can also write to the Boss and give a good report.

Love makes the world go round!

To read more of John Wright’s own story click here.

To visit the Stop A Copper website click here


Published: 28/12/2005