The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Churches launch youth cafe in South Norfolk

Integrate YFC has come together with the local churches to set up and open a new youth cafe for the young people of Diss and surrounding areas.

BanhamYouthCafe450The youth cafe will be held within St Mary's Church Diss, every Friday night during term time, from 7:30 pm. until 10pm. and it will be free to young people within years 7- 11.
The cafe is based on a format Integrate YFC have been running successfully in other parish churches in Banham and Burston.
Jonathan Richardson, an Integrate YFC Trustee and volunteer youth worker said: “We have found that running youth cafes in church buildings has had many benefits, from getting young people into a church building - many for the first time, to starting conversations about the nature of church and God. It can be challenging but if we are to demonstrate Gods unconditional love then we have to remove some of the traditional barriers.”
There will be a variety of equipment for young people to use, such as the Wii, Xbox, pool-table, table-football and board games along with a chill out area for young people to relax and chat with their friends, make new friends or just to have some quiet time. A cafe style area will also be available, where food and drinks will be available at a small cost.
The youth cafe has a bank of volunteers from various churches who are willing to offer their time to either work within the cafe area serving food or engaging with the young people throughout the building.
Rev John Pares, curate at St Mary's said: “I am delighted that St Mary’s in Diss is involved in this project. We have a beautiful church in the middle of Diss and it seems only right that we welcome young people to our church building for the new Youth Café. Having lived in Diss now for nearly three years I can see that there is little for young people to do in the evenings and so I am really pleased that we can provide a safe and enjoyable environment for people to meet.”
For more information: web: Facebook Twitter @integrateyfc  
Pictured above are band Taste performing at Banham Youth cafe - a similar cafe to the one opening in the parish church in Diss.

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