
Hear couple's story from darkness to destiny 

You are invited to hear the amazing story of couple Gwynneth and Cayhan Osmond at the March dinner of the Norwich FGB Branch on March 21.

Gwynneth’s life was dancing, drink, drugs, depression and addiction. Cayhan’s life was parties, drugs and prison. But their destiny was freedom  and marriage. You can hear the story of the couple, from Chelmsford, which took them from darkness to destiny at the Norwich FGB dinner at the Mercure Hotel in Norwich on March 21.

The dinner takes place at the City Suite, Mercure Hotel, Boundary Road, Norwich NR3 2BA, starting at 7pm for 7.30pm.

The cost is £16 per person to include a delicious two-course dinner. 

Please book via Barrie Lawrence at: or on 07786 381344

FGB Norwich Bank details as follows:
Account Name: FGBMFI Norwich 
Sort code: 30-98-97
Account number: 69708663 

New look team

Meanwhile, the team behind the Norwich FGB branch has changed. The new team is:
President. Steve Kerr.
Vice-presidents. Kit Brinkley. Barrie Lawrence.
Treasurer. Ivor Boulton.

Published: 13/03/2023