The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Be transformed at Norfolk Supernatural School 

The School of Supernatural Life at Hope Church in Wymondham is set to run for the ninth year in a row from late September and bookings have now opened.

This year there are options of an evening school on Tuesdays and a day school on Fridays with the team led by Ben Watkins, Grantley and Floss Watkins, and Matt Heard, supported by other leaders from Hope Church.
“We have a diverse and gifted team of teachers, worship leaders and group leaders who are part of local churches and all passionate about the Kingdom and the work of the Holy Spirit,” said Ben. “We’re all aware that we’re learning as well and there is a strong emphasis on their own vulnerability and challenges as we seek to bring the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.

“The School is founded on the belief that Jesus demonstrated the normal Christian life and that as we follow him, we should experience God's Kingdom breaking out wherever we go. We believe every Christian is called to see the sick healed, the spiritually oppressed set free, the lost saved and the broken-hearted whole.” 

Inspired by schools abroad and similar expressions in this country and a sense of calling from God, the School of Supernatural Life at Hope Church in Wymondham began in 2015. In eight years, it has expanded to both an Evening and Day school.

“Our aim is to help every student encounter Jesus and be equipped to enrich the Kingdom expression of their local church and radically change society through a naturally supernatural lifestyle of signs and wonders,” said Ben. 

“Experience a culture of courageous community where excellent bible teaching can be fully actualised in your life, at work, in your family, in your community and church.”

The teaching will focus on

  • Your identity in Christ
  • Your Intimacy with Father
  • Your Impact in the world

“Each day school session has an emphasis on Spirit-led worship and enjoying God's presence as well as practical Bible teaching on how to take the Kingdom of God wherever we go. This will be a very safe environment to step over your fears with acts of faith and much opportunity to experiment and take risks,” said Ben.

“We celebrate enthusiastically every courageous step one takes and emphasise that success equals obedience not necessarily the results of our actions. We also have small groups to enable everyone to question and learn together and to receive and minister to one another.”

Each term there will be opportunity to take what has been learnt out into the real world as you work with local churches on their streets and in their communities.

The learning experience can be as extensive and deep as desired as there is a rich online platform with video and audio teaching, full session notes and activations to download. This means you can watch or listen whenever you want and go back to sessions that you feel particularly drawn to. There is also a comprehensive book and DVD library available for all students.

Day School Fees

£490 per person per year (About £36 per month)
£750 per couple per year (About £58 per month)
£390 per person for all Hope Church Wymondham members
£600 per couple for all Hope Church Wymondham members

You can pay the fees in a lump sum or by monthly standing order.

Bookings are now open for Year 1 and Year 2 for Tuesday evening school and Friday day school.
For more information and to sign up with a £50 deposit, please visit: www.hopecommunitychurch.co.uk/ssl

Keith Morris, 27/08/2023

Keith Morris
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