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Ruth’s Heart Garden book getting warm reviews

Rev Ruth Scorey’s new book ‘Go Back to the Garden: a workbook for encountering God at close quarters’ is receiving encouraging reviews as it encourages the reader to develop a closer walk with God through the analogy of a garden.

Ruth sets the scene early in the first chapter, The Garden of our Hearts:
“Just imagine being able to walk in a beautiful garden, for ten minutes each day, as part of your daily “quiet time”. Picture the rich green grass sweeping away before you, across an estate of pleasant and gently rolling land. There is a beautiful lake, the sun sparkling on the still waters. A picnic awaits you…”
The book goes on to cover topics such as: Imagination as a Safe Gardening Tool, Concrete and abstract thinking, Kick starting your imagination, Exploring the Garden, Being a citizen of Heaven, and the ten-minute garden. Ruth explores Intimacy and The Garden and Becoming the Bride by drawing parallels from Song of Songs. Other chapters include the Garden in Times of Trouble, The Ever Expanding Garden and the Garden as a Ministry Tool.
Finally, there are prayers for Inner Healing which deal with such matters as unhealthy soul ties, fear, unforgiveness, and the occult. The book concludes with advice on where to get help, along with listings of garden imagery in the bible and fifteen promises of God.
Ruth says, “The Garden of the heart is a place of interface between Heaven and Earth. Going back to The Garden of our hearts is all about enlarging our experience and understanding of our original design in God and His promises to us for life, health and wholeness. This manual may make you laugh or cry tears of healing, as you wander through the activations. They help to whet your faith imagination in such a way that you will encounter God at close quarters, much as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. There you will journey with the Lord, as He leads you through The Garden of your heart, while simultaneously expanding into The Garden of His heart and into spiritual maturity.”
Chris Wren James, Director of Life Streams International, writes: “What a fabulous and delightful book. Full of great healing activations, healing insights and breakthrough stories. This is poetic, lyric, with enough prophetic imagery to satisfy all the senses. Ruth is an insightful writer, with many lived experiences and years of walking alongside many on their healing journey. I highly recommend reading this.”
Jo from Norwich says ‘I started it last night and I couldn't put it down! It's such a blessing.’
Sandra from Suffolk says ‘I've read your book up to page 116. It's a beautiful book full of a wealth of deep wisdom and insight.  You have written it with such a generous and compassionate heart to lead others to healing.   I'll return to this book many times in the future to help me get into His presence in the garden.  I loved the horse called Geyser and the nose of Jesus through the tent!’
John and Christine from Canada say ‘ We love this book and have already given two copies away.’

Rev Ruth Scorey is ordained as a minister with Healing Rooms Ministries.  Ruth and husband Ray co-lead Norfolk Healing Rooms, Norfolk School of Prophets and are National Directors for Healing Rooms Scotland. She is available to visit churches for low-cost, 'Garden'-activation days, when author copies are available for £10.
Going Back to the Garden is available as a paperback for £12.99 on Amazon or on Kindle at £6.49.

Tony Rothe, 09/10/2023

Tony Rothe
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